FAQ and comments Bản_mẫu:Val

  • Q: Why should I use Val?
A1: Val formats numbers: A2: Val preserves spacing:
  • It makes sure the value does not wrap at the end of a line, so that it can always be read as a single value on one line in the text.
  • It spaces the various parts of the value where they should be
A3: Configuring Val gives you your own code for automating the markup for, and a link to, any units in the entire Encyclopedia.A4: Val helps make Wikipedia more consistent. It adheres to the Wikipedia Manual of Style for numbers. Updates to the MoS can be applied to this template, and result in automatic modification on values that use it. All this makes sure all values on all pages have the same look and feel because they will all use the same spacing, font size, positioning, etc, and makes updating and checking by the bots easier because they can recognize a value for what it is.
  • Q: Why not use <math>?
A: For the same reasons HTML might be preferred over TeX:
  • Because the font in math tags differs both in face and size from the prose, which can disturb the layout of a page when used inline with the prose.
  • You cannot cut and paste a bitmap image rendered by the Latex.
  • Images are slower to load and use more bandwidth, which is especially bad for the mobile version of Wikipedia.
  • <math> does not automatically easily align to the Manual of Style for numbers.
  • Q: Are there any known issues with Val?
A1: This template has been in full use on many pages for quite some time without major problems or breaking changes. Technically, there is no good reason not to try Val.A2: Issues are solved rapidly by an active set of responsive template coders. See the talk page.
  • Q: How should I use Val?
A1: Val probably already has your unit on its current list. If not, then your unit can be added.A2: To avoid over linking switch from |ul= to |u= and from |upl= to |up=.A3: Use Val along with {{Convert}}. See how to add units to Convert.